Felt | Verdi |
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ProfileClass | Display Device Profile |
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FileModifyDate | 2024:11:14 06:52:52+01:00 |
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SubSecDateTimeOriginal | 2024:08:30 14:55:22.34 |
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ProfileCMMType | Adobe Systems Inc. |
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SubSecCreateDate | 2024:08:30 14:55:22.34 |
ColorSpaceData | RGB |
ExifToolVersion | 11.85 |
ISO | 400 |
EncodingProcess | Baseline DCT, Huffman coding |
XMPToolkit | Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c148 79.164036, 2019/08/13-01:06:57 |
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ImageHeight (1) | 4154 |
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DeviceModel | |
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TimeCreated | 14:55:22 |
BlueTRC | (Binary data) |
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ThumbnailImage | (Binary data) |
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FileAccessDate | 2024:12:11 22:39:46+01:00 |
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DateTimeCreated | 2024:08:30 14:55:22 |
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DateTimeOriginal | 2024:08:30 14:55:22 |
ModifyDate | 2024:11:14 06:42:53 |
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ProfileDateTime | 2000:08:11 19:51:59 |
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DateCreated | 2024:08:30 14:55:22.034 |
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FileInodeChangeDate | 2024:11:14 06:52:52+01:00 |
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SensitivityType | Recommended Exposure Index |
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SubSecModifyDate | 2024:11:14 06:42:53.34 |
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URL_List | |
OriginalDocumentID | xmp.did:913ec442-cd8a-9a4b-aea0-e11b955d3698 |
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CreateDate (1) | 2024:08:30 14:55:22 |
DerivedFromInstanceID | xmp.iid:af045e2c-849c-f741-ae6b-c747c757bb2e |
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YCbCrSubSampling | YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1) |
SamplesPerPixel | 3 |
CreateDate | 2024:08:30 14:55:22 |
ProfileVersion | 2.1.0 |
Model | Canon EOS 6D Mark II |
Rating | 0 |
ExposureProgram | Manual |
NumSlices | 1 |